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Maintaining a Healthy Family and an Online Church

internet ministry, online church, Universal Life Church

Working online, at least in part, can help you maintain family and domestic responsibilities

In this highly technological age, an increasing number of ministers are using the Internet to fully or partially engage with their congregations: And they are doing so with great success. The ministers are from a wide variety of denominations, and include members of the Universal Life Church.

The benefits of an internet ministry or online church are many. Chief among these are the fact that:

– Communication between the minster and parishioners is enhanced.

Sermons can be posted at the ministry’s website for absentee members and for those wishing to revisit a message or to share it with family and friends.

– The ministry takes on greater relevancy in people’s lives due to the increased accessibility and immediacy that the Internet provides.

Individuals who heed God’s call to the ministry are faced with certain concerns. Those with spouses and/or families will inevitably have additional worries because, even though they become ordained as individuals, the whole family in effect becomes a part of the ministry to a greater or lesser extent.

Contemplating Ordination

When you do decide to become ordained, it is important that you discuss your calling with your spouse and family. It is equally important that you listen to their thoughts and feelings. If you address the pros and cons and offer reassurances, they will be more open to the idea, and will be more willing to support you.

If they seem hesitant or are opposed to the idea, do not force the issue. It is better to wait until a more favorable time.

Important Considerations Before Starting an Online Church

Once you have become ordained in the Universal Life Church, you might want to set up an internet ministry. Conducting your ministry online is an excellent way to be available to your family and your flock in equal measure: Whether you work online part-time or full-time, you will spend more time at home and will be able to participate in childcare and other domestic duties.

You should set guidelines, however: Ask family members to respect your online podium, and encourage them to voice their complaints or concerns to you face-to-face. Impress upon them that your website warrants the same privacy and confidentiality as a church office.

Additionally, it is vital that you consider and address the points raised below. Doing so will help to make your online ministry easier and more successful, and you will enjoy a happier and more stable home life.

• How will your ordination affect your family? You will assume clergy duties, but you will still be a husband or wife, perhaps with children as well. They will be your first flock, and a healthy relationship with them will inform and strengthen your interaction with your congregation. This will allow you to be a more effective minister.

• How will you maintain the integrity of the ministry? You must be seen to “live the sermon” while you guard against contradicting the message of your online church in your home life.

• How much time, emotional, social and logistical involvement will you require from your family? You must discuss these issues with your family in order to establish reasonable and acceptable expectations and to work out a process of give and take. This will also allow your spouse the opportunity to raise his or her particular concerns.

• Regarding issues of safety, how will you protect your family from any potential reprisals or negative emotions from disgruntled members of the congregation or the general public?

With the right approach and proper consideration, ministers ordained in the Universal Life Church can certainly have a happy, healthy home life — and an internet ministry, too!

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